SPC Tubes Adapter

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The SPC™ Tubes™ Adapter is specifically designed to allow use of the Equinox Cummerbund on the Crye SPC™ by providing a male FirstSpear® Tubes™ buckle that is structurally supported by threading into the "garage" of the SPC™ front plate bag.


  • 2 Tubes™ Adapters (sold as a set).


Note: Compatible with the Crye AVS™; however, fitment and ride height may be too high.

Military/LEO units, please contact sales@AXLadvanced.com for quotes and ordering.

If you are placing an order through your MIL/LE/FR department/unit, please contact us at sales@AXLadvanced.com.

Some images contain optional accessories, other AXL products, or other company’s products, all sold separately.

US and International Patents Pending

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